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  1. January 30, 2024

    Ketamine ain’t esketamine

    Ketamine’s been in the news a lot as a potential treatment for depression, PTSD, and more. It’s not FDA-approved (yet), but its cousin esketamine is approved for treating some forms of depression.

    That gets confusing, especially among lay people who don’t realize how important those extra two letters are. (Consider how you’d feel if you landed in Kansas instead of Arkansas, especially during tornado season.)

    Luckily, the good folks at Medscape have a great overview of the differences between ketamine and esketamine, including how they’re delivered, what they’re approved for, and the issues popping up as clinics offer “treatment” that could be ineffective, dangerous, or somewhere in between.

    While ketamine and esketamine are chemically related, they are very distinct in terms of their chemical compositions, the FDA-approved indications, dosing, and administration, as

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  2. January 04, 2024

    High-five for one staffer in 20 Ways

    Shout-out to our own Emily Durham — she’s got an article in the latest edition of Rx Insider’s 20 Ways magazine: (almost) everything you need to know about the new USP Chapter <795> updates. Click here to check it out.

    For non-pharmacists, USP chapters are one of the important ways of ensuring compounded medications are safe, and that compounding pharmacists are always practicing at the tops of their games. Chapters like <795> cover best practices for everything from updated safety protocols to education requirements — and a lot more.

    We’re proud to have Emily’s article in a prominent pharmacy magazine like 20 Ways — just more proof that the Revelation Pharma family has the best and brightest of compounding pharmacy!

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  3. January 02, 2024

    Supplementing supplements

    A lot of expectant moms know that folic acid is important for their babies, so they take a supplement to make sure they get enough. Ditto for a multivitamin. But that might not do the trick.

    A new study out of Australia found that standard supplements given to expectant moms, even the ones that include folic acid, didn’t give the women as much as they needed, especially riboflavin and vitamins B6 and B12.

    An “enhanced” supplement did better — at least keeping the women’s vitamin B12 levels nicely elevated for at least six months after giving birth. (“This is probably important for the mother’s ability to supply her baby with vitamin B12 if she breastfeeds.”)

    They found, though, that pregnant women will likely need more than a standard multivitamin, including an extra jolt of riboflavin,

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  4. December 29, 2023

    Food, toys, and holiday cheer

    The Revelation Pharma family has been busy helping the holiday joy get to the people who most need it.

    The folks at Eastern States Compounding Pharmacy in New Hampshire, Pharmacy Specialists Compounding Pharmacy in Florida, and Lee Silsby Pharmacy in Ohio collected a ton of canned and dry food for their local food banks, while Innovation Compounding in Georgia and Rock Valley Compounding Pharmacy in Illinois gave Santa a boost through Toys for Tots.

    The double whammy of goodwill is their way of helping making sure that as many people in their communities have a fuller belly and a bigger smile.

    Did we say “double whammy”? It’s even more — a triple whammy. The good folks at Community Clinical Pharmacy in Mesa took some time to raise money for their local animal shelter, ’cause even our four-legged friends appreciate a little

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